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Forty Hill C.E. School

Forty Hill C.E. School

Ms Fiona Crack

When Tim and I first drove past Forty Hill school in 2016 on the way to view a house a little further down the road, I couldn’t believe how much it looked like my wonderful childhood primary school in the Yorkshire Dales. We took it as a sign, bought the house and hoped one day to have children who might attend….

I am the Deputy Global Director of BBC News and have responsibility for the BBC World Service which broadcasts in 42 languages to over 300 million people each week. I believe in the importance of impartial, trusted news and education, especially in countries where families live through conflict and insecurity. Closer to home I think if we nurture understanding and curiosity about the world in our children, it will create empathy and positive action. 

I applied to became a governor to offer my skills, energy and experience to the governing board and to do anything I can to help this very special school, its leadership and the children we serve.