Prospectus 2024

Forty Hill C.E. School Learning and living in Faith, Hope and Service

Forty Hill has been providing education for local children since 1851 and today there are approximately 240 children on roll, their ages ranging from 3-11. We are fortunate enough to be situated in a glorious part of the borough; our children frequently visit Forty Hall, use our own grounds for outdoor learning experiences and enjoy learning in our lovely, yet unique, school building. Our school enjoys a close relationship with the Parish Church, Jesus Church, and our children visit regularly as part of the curriculum and also to celebrate Christian festivals throughout the year. I am proud to be in a position where I can lead a dedicated and caring team to work for the children of our school to ensure the best possible outcomes for every individual. My aim is to ensure Forty Hill provides an inclusive and exciting education based on Christian values, high expectations & academic excellence. Together, as a family of children, staff, parents and governors, we can fulfil our vision of following Jesus’s example of treating each other, our community, and God’s amazing world with love, respect and compassion. We aspire to ignite curious minds,. nurture a passion for learning and enable everyone to experience and share faith , hope and service . We hope that you find this prospectus useful. All of the information you need, as a current member of the school community or a new starter, can be found on our website Please do contact us if you have any further queries or questions. We look forward to welcoming you to Forty Hill! Ms Jonquil Izard Headteacher Welcome to Forty Hill Church of England Primary School!

Our Vision and Values We are very proud of our school Vision and Values, which are rooted in biblical teaching. The whole school community worked together to create the new Values in 2023 and new Vision in 2024. Our Vision forms the foundation for everything we do at Forty Hill. Our Curriculum At Forty Hill, we strive to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that focuses on the development of the whole child. We are proud of our children’s achievements not only in Literacy and Maths but in all that they do, and focus our efforts and energy on ensuring that every child is given the opportunity to flourish. We have designed our own curriculum for our children’s learning in Literacy and Topic (Geography, History, Art and Design) reflecting the world around us today and those areas of history and geography that have not been so prominent before such Windrush and Climate Change. Throughout the the year, each class also takes part in a Global Neighbours project as we take our role as Stewards of God’s Earth very seriously. We take a thematic, creative approach to the curriculum; in line with our wish to engage the children in exciting and meaningful learning opportunities, giving them the confidence to articulate their opinions and take responsibility for the world they live in.

We aim to create “readers for life” – children who develop a love of books, who enjoy reading and read for pleasure. We teach Phonics and Reading in small groups with the Little Wandle programme - moving the children, when ready, to Whole Class Guided Reading sessions by the beginning of Phase 2. Little Wandle Phonics are daily sessions in Nursery, Reception and Year 1 and as required in Year 2 and 3. Throughout our school year, we nurture our children’s love of literacy and provide further opportunities to build reading enjoyment and confidence and its important role in our history and the wider world; this includes our wonderful Reading Challenge, that encourages our children to read more and become part of our Reading Hall of Fame! Mathematics Our Maths teaching is focused on children securing a strong conceptual understanding of Maths (using the White Rose programme) and developing the skills and self-confidence required to apply their Mathematical knowledge to creatively solve problems. Through providing opportunities for children to experience real-world problems and uses of Maths, children are able to practise applying their Mathematical skills and see their value. Throughout their Maths lessons, children are supported in mastering their Mathematical knowledge at all levels of learning and use manipulatives to support their understanding. Reading and Phonics

At Forty Hill, Religious Education is given a high priority within the curriculum and through engaging and collaborative teaching, pupils develop a secure knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith and world faiths. We aim to provide our pupils with opportunities to become religiously literate through the understanding of what it means to have a faith and to develop an opinion on beliefs and Values. Pupils are given opportunities to learn about religions and faith communities and demonstrate a deep respect for one another, regardless of faith or cultural background. Pupils are taught to understand the key Biblical concepts and to investigate and reflect on the fundamental questions in life. Collective Worship is an important part of the life of our school. It is well supported by our local church, with regular opportunities for the whole school community to join together in worship at the Church, as well as in school. Music and prayer play an important part in the worshipping life of our community and contributes well to pupils’ biblical knowledge and understanding. Children lead worship through Values and class assemblies as well as our weekly celebration assembly with certificates and house points awarded for hard work, perseverance, good choices and our school Values. Religious Education and Collective Worship Spirituality At Forty Hill C of E Primary School, we recognise spirituality as the connection between our soul (or inner life) and the delight, meaning and purpose which is found outside or beyond self. It is exciting to develop a healthy spirituality. The Bible and Christian practice roots us and enables us. We look outwards to appreciate and cherish the wonder and awe of the world. We learn to look inwards to reflect on our experiences, to build resilience and courage, be curious and explore life’s big questions. We look outwards to discover the meaning and creative Impact of our lives on those around us.

Sport and PE We are passionate about Physical Education and Sport at Forty Hill and proud that our children represent the school in a number of competitions across the Borough. The Enfield PE team support us with our curriculum for PE as well as our specialist sports coach. It is important to us that our PE is inclusive and that every child has the opportunity to participate, learn new skills and evaluate their learning in a supportive environment. Not only do we have our weekly lessons (including swimming in Year 5) but we offer a range of after-school clubs and hold regular focus days on different sports. Our children are taught about the importance of leading a healthy, active lifestyle not only in PE but in other areas of our curriculum too. Inclusion and SEND We are proud to be recognised as an inclusive school. Our principle aim at Forty Hill is to enable every child to achieve his or her full potential and to achieve this we provide a caring and supportive learning environment in which all children, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, can flourish and achieve success. Our range of provision includes visual timetables in every room, use of coloured backgrounds on white boards, targeted teaching and interventions in small groups and 1:1, individualised curriculums and timetables (where appropriate) and a range of resources specific to the needs of our children. All staff at Forty Hill are passionate about inclusion and share the responsibility for making appropriate provision for pupils with SEND.

We believe that it is important to give our youngest children the best possible start to their school life. In both Nursery and Reception, the children are given opportunities to explore and develop their learning both inside and outside the classroom. All activities are practical and engaging, following the children’s interests as well as those set out in the EYFS framework. Through these play opportunities, our children learn to develop empathy and understanding of others’ needs and how their actions can have an impact on individuals. They learn to negotiate, share and take turns with their peers and develop important skills to articulate their feelings and opinions using their words. The children explore the outdoors and focus on the changes that can occur over time, with a particular focus on the seasons in Nursery. The children learn about different cultures and religions through weekly RE sessions as well as celebrating a range of festivals from children’s own cultural backgrounds. The children develop their physical co-ordination and balance through weekly PE sessions and using a range of equipment such as the climbing frame, large wooden blocks and bikes. Whilst teaching the children the importance of safety and using equipment appropriately, we also encourage our children to take risks and to learn through their mistakes. The Early Years Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception)

At Forty Hill, we recognise that we have a huge part to play in nurturing and developing our children for the future. We seek to complement our broad and balanced curriculum with a range of enrichment opportunities, both within and outside of the school day as well as developing our children spiritually, morally, socially and culturally through carefully tailored initiatives. Enriching the Lives of our Children Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural Education We were delighted that our APF (Parent’s Association) were able to fund our fully functioning children’s kitchen, giving all children from Nursery to Year 6 the opportunity to learn basic cooking skills in a state of the art facility. “The kitchen is amazing! It has helped us to learn new skills for the future and allowed me to cook some inspirational fantastic dishes. I love it!” Our Children’s Kitchen The Forty Hill College, taking place one afternoon a week in Year 5 and 6, seeks to broaden the children’s horizons by teaching them skills set out in the national curriculum but often not taught in the busy weekly schedule. Our children are offered a range of ‘College Courses’ taught by our expert tutors designed to enthuse and engage them in areas that they may not have studied before. Courses include: Performing Arts, Cooking, Woodwork, Art, Sewing and Sport. “The College has taught me skills I wouldn’t normally learn in class. I never thought I would learn how to sew a cushion and make wooden bird box from scratch at school!” Year 6 pupil Forty Hill College Reaching Out Project Following in Jesus’s example and to fulfil our School Vision, we teach children about the importance of supporting others in the wider community in order to enable the children to become responsible citizens, caring about the world that they live in. Each year group participates in at least one activity every year to support the wider community and to develop their awareness of different causes– to be courageous advocates, to create hope and to serve others.

Enriching the Lives of our Children Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural Education Each half term, the whole school is involved in a creative competition where children are encouraged to explore and develop skills in a variety of areas including: art, music, performance poetry, maths, story writing, photography, spelling and inventions. These competitions are often the highlight of the half term! “The Arts Trophy is a special competition. When I won the Solo Performance Music Competition, I was overwhelmed and the support from the whole school was unbelievable and so encouraging. It has made me a more confident person not just in singing but in general too” Year 4 pupil The Arts Trophy We are blessed at Forty Hill with incredible grounds. Not only are we situated in a beautiful conservation area surrounded by Forty Hall Estate and grounds, but we also have our own school field and the meadow between the school and Jesus Church. On top of this, the school has constantly developed its outdoor potential by redeveloping areas to accommodate a weekly Forest School sessions, and outdoor classrooms and environments, such as our Prayer Garden, Outdoor Stage and School Vegetable Garden. The children are encouraged to be risk aware, rather than risk averse and can often be seen exploring the school grounds with their class teachers. Outdoor Learning

Enriching the Lives of our Children Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural Education Our dedicated staff team give their time to organise extra activities for the children during some lunchtimes and after school. A range of clubs for all ages run throughout the year in eight week blocks (each term). Although the range of clubs will vary, the school usually offers football, netball, chess, choir, drama, cooking, dance, cricket, art and craft, gardening and games. Extra-Curricular Clubs We are always on the lookout for ways to further develop and enrich the lives of our children. We are proud of our link with the Enfield Town Schools’ Partnership who offer collaborative and community enrichment events such as: Debating, Public Speaking, Maths Quiz and masterclasses, Chess tournaments, Poetry Festivals, Art and Science Competitions and much more. Children are given opportunities at different times throughout their school life. Examples include: • Family Sports Day • Singing and music opportunities • Focus weeks (Christmas, Global, Multicultural, Easter) • Leadership opportunities for all children • Every child participating in a production every year • Class Assemblies • Trips and residential visits Opportunities for All

Learning and living in Faith, Hope and Service Jesus said “As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples.” John 13:34-35