Starting Nursery
Starting at Nursery is a huge step for both children and their parents and carers, so in the early days we welcome you to stay for as long as it is felt necessary for your child to settle.
Session times
Nursery classes are part-time and are open during term time only. Children will attend five mornings a week. Monday to Friday (term time only)
Mornings: 08:45 - 11:45
The Nursery team for this year is Miss Bissett (Teacher), Miss Golebiowska and Mrs Courtney
Places for September 2024 and onwards
You may apply for places for September 2024 if your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021. We are also offering mid-year admissions for children with Spring and Summer birthdays to start at our nursery the term after their third birthday. Our sessions will have a maximum of 24 children per session staffed by 3 qualified practitioners at all times.
Funding of Nursery Sessions
The government provides funding for 15 hours per week for 38 weeks of the year from the term after your child’s third birthday. We will claim this funding on your behalf on the production of legal documents confirming your child’s date of birth and address. For further details or clarification please contact the school office.
Nursery Curriculum
The content of our curriculum in nursery is based on the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage. The EYFS sets standards for the learning, development and care of your child from birth to 5 years old. There are four principles which guide the work of all early years’ practitioners:
- A unique child – every child is unique, is constantly learning with the potential to become resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.
- Positive relationships –children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.
- Enabling environments – children learn best in environments which respond to their individual needs and where there is a strong partnership between practitioners, parents and carers.
- Learning and development – we recognise that all children develop and learn at different rates and in different ways. Our practice aims to be inclusive no matter the individual needs of the child.
The Seven Key Areas of Learning
Practitioners teach children by ensuring there are challenging and playful opportunities to learn across the following seven areas of learning:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Communication and Language Development
- Physical Development
- Literacy Development
- Mathematical Development
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
The Curriculum Booklets, giving details of what the children will be learning each half-term, can be found below.